To whoever may Concern little history of my life encounters!

I was born in 1938 in Donja Vrucica on the Peninsula Peljesac Dalmatian coast of Croatia. It is a very small village; at the highest peak of the population, I think it was around 50 families (presently only one or two exits, the place is practically deserted?). As much I could remember World War 2 came. At first, we were invaded by the Italians Mussolini Army that perhaps was accompanied by Fascist one branch of “Yugoslavian Rabbles” which naturally was blessed by Dirty and Filthy Vatican, and yes, our village was practically totally destroyed. (Enclosed picture is posted on Face-Book site “Donja Vrucica” of Village after the war) they stole and rob everything that they were able to carry and what they could not carry they have set fires to practically all Houses, barns, vine sellers, almost all are left standing bare structures. Since these were Vine country they made streets look like creaks flooded with the vine. Doing their rampage of the village the People had been put on the small stone wall among yours truly, at the front of the Village graveyard with Machine guns aimed at us. I was too young to know what all is about, but now I realize how close to death we really were. Apparently, there is no history of these atrocities to my knowledge; the bias Journalists American and English They never write the truce story unless they can carry their name in headlines. There are only one or two people left alive that would remember this. Doing the war when Mussolini régime capitulate to Hitler, the German Army came in, and whatever they did in other parts of the world they have been intelligently fair with us in our area. (REMEMBER: THERE IS NO WAR; THAT IS GOOD WAR) They did pass the information to people “refugees” since our total village was a refugee dispersed around the mountain and other places to go home there will be no harm to mothers, kids or families and to old folks. To my knowledge, they have kept their word. After the war ended people that were still around and alive, made the best of it by sleeping two-three families in one house and in barns that were spared from the fire. Once people settled down best they could, it was time to find a place for kids to be taught something, and start going into school’ but where? And who is going to be a teacher? to surprise one of my cuisines Ivo Biskup which was a professor in university did not have any work because there were not any upper schools open as universities, or high schools so he was teaching us for about half a year or so and without pay but for food, from one family to other, whatever they have share to eat. Until finally village was able to find a permanent teacher. The permanent at the time was a big word. Besides having a problem getting teachers we had to share pencils and paper, at the beginning of each class, the day kid would get one piece of paper and half of a pencil for that week. One teacher has to teach 6 different grades in one classroom and doing my 6 years of schooling I have changed 8 different teachers, the school was held at 7-8 different places. As progress was made in recovering from War and as much I could remember I had only one year of schooling in the actual designated building as the school, which was not completed but had a roof and floor in it. All other years it was in private houses that were left intact and had a space available. It was also a couple of years where we had to change the location of school a couple times a year. Looking back I really don’t know how the hell kids like me learn anything. But I have completed a total of 6 grades of Elementary schooling. At the edge of 15 finally, when I was able to get my US Citizen papers and Yugoslavian to live in the Country. That is when I left for the USA where my Father was before the war started and all doing war WW-2. I came to my father’s country as a USA citizen because my Father was a USA citizen away before I was born. I came to the USA at the end of 1953, at the edge of 15.5 years old. My mother refused to come to the USA and my brother was not being permitted to come here according to USA rules at that time, because he has served in Partisans’ or Tito's Navy (communist regime?) Yes, but we have welcomed all jailers from Cuba with open arms and perhaps many other criminals from many other Countries. I came to this country without knowing a single word in the English language, I was asked by my father if I would want to go to school. Well without knowing anyone and besides; not knowing the language how can I tell my father yes or no, also at his pay of $250.00 per month while he living on a fishing boat in buy country of Louisiana? No we/I did not get anything from the State of Louisiana or Federal as are giving today To some let me make it clear I was not giving any freebie's what is given to newcomers today. That meant that he will need to find me room and board someplace to stay, who may speak some Croatian language in the city of New Orleans. Considering his earnings of $250.00 per month and still trying to support Mom best he could, it would have been a totally irresponsible decision on my part, to say yes. So? I started to work with him on the fishing Boat (Oysters) until 1960 when I decided to move and try to get some education. Sometime after that, my father also was going back to Europe; and at the same time, I was having some health issues that contributed to my definite decision, to get out of the fishing business and try to do something else, perhaps try to learn little more of English Langue. While fishing I have succeeded to earn my skipper boat operator license and driver's license before I moved to Las Angeles. As soon I got to LA (San-Pedro) I have got the job and started to work for Todd Shipyard from mid-1960 through Oct. 1961. While working for Todd shipyard for three months I have been promoted to full journeyman pay as a technician yes as (“coppersmith/pipefitter”) “Pipe Fitter” with no magnetic material. In the meantime, I have been inducted’ called into Military Service. Doing my stay in LA I have attended Adult school and Radio and a TV repair service school for which I totally paid out of my own pocket, I have completed an R&TV repair service but I could not complete the adult school to get GED. Within Year plus being there, Note: paid all out of my own packet no California State did not help at all... I was called into US Army I have been drafted. Well because of my limited vocabulary in the English language I was advised to take an additional year of service and request schooling, which I did! However? That was fine and dandy until you sign up when you have a sign-in and committed yourself, then the Military tune changes? “We will use you where we need you”. I was inducted into Ft. Leonard Wood MO. went to basic training at Ft. Chaffy AK. And in advance armory training at Ft. Knox. Ammunition storage and handling. Upon completion of training, as required by the Military, all of my company was shipped in many different directions as it usually happens. I was shipped with a few others to Ft. Dix NJ. First Army 606th. Ordnance, where I served, must of my time. This company was made up of soldiers from a few different posts across the country and needless to say that we had some undesirable elements too, those that did not want to be in service, those that could not succeed any other place, and those that were simply stupid, and some want to be in service but don’t want to do anything but lay around barrack. “Guess what”? Thanks to our Military system those lazy bums are the first ones to get promoted. Since I was not given chance to get proper education from the Army, I took night courses on my “own time” through USAFI at night while others were having good time fun and getting drunk of the post. Well, guess I was punished by my company instead of being rewarded for going to school on my own time, when the time came for promotion I was held back because I did not ask permission to go to school, or perhaps I did not join the group getting loaded (drunk) every second night in Wrightstown New-Jersey With-them. So sorry that was not the thing for me; I preferred to go to school and try to learn something. However, the circumstances did not permit me to learn enough that I could pass the GED test. Now you readers should remember that doing all this time I was putting in full days of work in the magazine storage area and some time until 11:30 PM. My company was assigned to supply Ammo to trainees out on ranges for day and night training. At that time Ft. Dix NJ was averaging around 18,000 plus (I been told) of trainees that my company had to supply Ammunitions every day to train these recruits, 6 vehicles practically every morning would go out on to training ranges loaded with a supply of Ammo, from those 6 vehicles one or two would need to stay late for night training. So my studies were very limited and without any help, you can really say it was an impossible task, especially when your company expected you to do your share of other duties like KP in the company area at the same time. Some smart or wise guys would get time off to go have a few bears in off the Post but I could not get some time off to do the study. Anywhere after a couple of years of struggle and being on alert 40 days strait (alert is that you are ready to be deployed within an hour) doing Cuban crises, JFK death and at the same time Vietnam was coming up it was a nightmare for anyone in my company (606th. Ordnance first Army) as I understood we were supposedly being attached to 82nd. Air-Bone. I have decided to try to do something else. I heard that Special services were looking for someone with some Boat experience at Sandy Hook, NJ on which I jumped right away, I have asked permission from my Acting First Sergeant Potter if I could put 1049 in for transfer guess what, this Sergeant I should say scumbag has refused to permit me to do that, which is one thing that any Military person has right to do so. It does not mean that 1049 will be approved, “however” You can not be refused to submit one. I believe that the 1049 form, can also be used for a few other things? “If my memory serves me right” My 1049 form was for transfer to this new opportunity which “Army actually was looking for”, well, fortunately, I had a friend that was working, “I think at G-1 in Fort Dix” which I called and explain the situation, I did not know if he could do anything or will try. Well needless to say Sergeant Potter almost lost his strips. That evening upon my return from the magazine area 1049 was waiting for me to be filled out and submitted. Well in less then a week it was approved. I was transferred to a special service that lasted for a few months most of my company was getting ready to be deployed overseas, again I was held back for promotion because I was assigned to special service for a few months, but eventually I got promoted to Spec4. At that time Boat operation was suspended and I was transferred for a short period before my discharge to the operation of soldiers' Entertainment section Arts and Crafts where my Military career ended. I was offered the Rank of Sergeant while I was taking discharge but after being treated as a second-class citizen and experiencing first handed how much discrimination goes on in US Armed Services, there was no rank to keep me in there. After serving three years I was “Honorably discharge” which ended the Military Carrier for me. After a few months of stand-by reserve, I have received a notice: A change or addition to primary PMOS 411.10 as storage spec-4 to a secondary SMOS 285.10 Radio & TV repairman because I also was taking Electronic courses on my own time similar to GED courses. If this was done in a timely Faison I would possibly have made a career out of Military Service. Well thanks to God it wasn’t and I was spared from Vietnam engagement. I was discharged Oct. 9, 1964, and I got married Oct. 24, 1964, and no I did not take any time off and milk the unemployment, after two weeks of Honeymoon in the beautiful city of New Orleans. Started to work as soon we were back from our Honeymoon. I got the job with Electro Miniature Corp. In S. Hackensack NJ. Where I started to work as an assembler on some Military projects. I work there for a limited time of a few months; pay was very low but top union wage at that time. Well now married looking to buy the house and possible family may come up soon, I have decided to look for better income. I changed the job from $1.40 per hour which at that time was not that bad; however, at another place $2.50 per hour it has to look mighty good at Standard Cabinet Co. in Totowa NJ. For which I worked approximately 4 plus years as an assembler. Now let me take you back some; when I started work for them they have delayed and delayed putting me under their health insurance and after a year or so with them, my son was born with some problems which I was forced to pay for all of it out of my own pocket. If I was covered by the insurance timely matter all would have been paid by insurance, needless to say, that these people like good technicians but when it comes to helping you it was looking the other way. I work for them for around three to four years in 1965 through some part of 1969. It was time to move on, so I change my Job from $3.50 to $5.00 per hour; again this time I got the job with a company that was practically in the same business but somewhat on a larger scale. Tenney Eng. Inc. UnionNJ. Well, they put me in the shop for about one week or so when they saw what I can do I was transferred to the Field service department as a field troubleshooter. For almost 9 years in the field travel practically all over this country and overseas. Doing my employment with Tenney Eng. Inc. there was no job that was too big or too small, I had to troubleshoot, start up, and repair all types and sizes whatever came along. I was with them from 1969 to 1977, the pay was much better than with previous employers but not that great. In 1976 at the end of a year I got a little sick with my stomach at the same time I was told that I would be going to South America (Brazil) to do some installation which has prompted me to ask for additional money a raise and company flatly refused. I being somewhat sick and they total negative respond attitude; I have decided to quit that job and have gone to work for myself January first of 1977. Oh yes, I have been asked many times what kind of work do I do, well? I work on Industrial processes and Test Equipment. Equipment that simulates our living space, Temperatures, Humidity’s Altitude/Space any condition that we may in counter in our everyday living and apparently Space also. Is been now Apx. 35 years that I have been working for myself, I can’t say that is been smooth sailing all the way but I have survived, we have survived. I have a good wife, two beautiful kids, Educated without help from any other source other than myself my wife, and doing some work for myself. No, we did not get any help from the State of New Jersey Government, or Federal as is giving these days. (Another story New Jersey has performed Robbery of my Business instead of helping). I am proud of my family. My kids are now on their own working, and self-supporting, I also have two grandchildren two beautiful girls, and hoping that they will be as good as their Mom, my Daughter! A son is married but is not having any children. Well here we are beginning of 2012 I am still working full time at the edge of 74 however I do not know for how long, since I am having lots of problems with my spine (back) three disk Annular bulging and so far no help from Physical Therapy. What future holes for me, in fort coming years? Only old mighty knows! Some of you out there want to know little about me; Well I hope that this may make you happy, if not I am very sorry but facts are facts! Because my country has given me such a great education that I feel to be entitled to use four-letter words toward anyone in this country, especially my adapted government! Which they have not learned to wish that? Person: “Must Respect if you wishes to be respected”? Now that I have been working for myself and having beef with Crooked Corrupted people from Treasury State of #New Jersey, I will add perhaps a couple of pages that will make me happy; how some Crooked States operate under the Flag of the United States of America. Yes, it is needless to say that our Justice Department Equality is Crooked or useless. #New Jersey DOJ. Ethical the Quality none Discriminated Freedom. “It is one of largest Jokes” I have heard in a long time.
And this is Truth and nothing but the truth!
PLEASE NOTE: Looking at my life encounters???

I should be treated and respected the same as the Veteran of Foreign Wars. But I am treated as disposable diapers. I have been screwed when I arrived in my adopted country, the end of 1953, and looking back I can hardly tell when I was not; treated like disposable diapers, but in the USA it seems they will kiss some people's asses, from other Countries not even being USA Citizens, “or want to be”. Perhaps you can say I should use better language, sorry I “can not” even if I knew better which I do not, and the language I learn is street English. Whatever I learn, it was on my own without a teacher or any help from my’ adopted country of the USA. We have been giving some other Countries in Billions and Billions as an example the Israeli country, every kid as soon is born in their country has health insurance, I was given rusted Shaft in the rear and that is what my adopted country of USA. Donated to me as to USA citizen. I do not have anything against Israel but against our Mentally Delusional United States of America System, and the USA. Supreme Court Judges and Legislators. Our Government, in general? Are treating Criminals better than Quality and deserving Citizens? I am struggling to pay for medical, but our Stupid Arrogant Supreme courts want me to pay for criminals in prison changing their sex life, to become transgender/transesaxctual, or whatever.?. What do I want to know? Why these scums are not executed yes bloody executed. Perhaps we should ask these Judges to commit suicide, which would make a lot of sense. Yes, I think that would be an ideal thing to do by them. Many people of this country have a hard time coming up with the money to purchase Medicine, Food, and perhaps a Home, but we are asked to contribute to pay for sex changes on Criminals serving prison Time. Oh yes now they have a fancy name for this; it is called “SEX REASSIGNMENT” to criminals in Prison. These bastards must be total Fxxxxxg, Disgusted Idiots/Morons JUDGES. Or perhaps not, we are the ones that are stupid enough for keeping them on the Taxpayer Payroll. As for me, they will get the same RESPECT from me as they are giving it to ME! I am very sorry but I could not come up with a better way of saying or outlining this is. Well, MY OPINION and RESPECT COMES Together!

You don’t need to like me “I do not want you to like me”!
I am 82 years old: Gender: Male, Astrological Sign: Taurus, Zodiac Year: Tiger, Occupation: Field Service Tech., Location: of 49 years; Palisades Park New Jersey USA, Presently living in Tracy California. About Me Born in Europe, Croatia or “X” Yugoslavia, some schooling there, none in the USA, Been Here since 1953, came to the USA as an American citizen. Education self-taught, Serve in US Army three years Oct.1961-64, in AMMO Ordnance rank Spc-4, Honorable Discharge. After I started to work I have obtain Industrial clearance by OSI, Was a licensed boat operator, License HAM operator KA2AYS, Certified Refrigerant user. My works include; Repair, Modify, Upgrade; Climate control system on Environmental Test Equipment “Chambers”, Temperature range on this equipment Could be from -100 to +200 Celsius and some Altitude including Moon shot. Married for almost 56 years, have two kids grown; on their own. Presently retired have been working for over 58+ years full time. For the last 37 years working for myself, and I am about to call it, that is it. In June 2012 enough is enough. Since then I have retired and moved to Tracy California. Welcome, Dear readers welcome to my Ramblings, "My ramblings" is not to the demise or offend anyone but too high Light things that perhaps should have been different, civilized, and fair to all? HONORABLY, ETHICALLY, EQUALLY NONE DISCRIMINANT! But as it seems some people that work for the Government do not believe in that. Let me get ahead: New Jersey Treasury Standard “Is as fallow: Regardless of whom you need to “mow down” as long we are winners. Welcome to N.J. Treasury, “Mow down” is in our “Oath” New Jersey Treasury-Theme. They really know how to do it, they claim to have the laws on their side it is irrelevant if not, They will find the way that you need to hire an Attorney to prove otherwise, Guilty until proven innocent you are in NJ. I welcome all/or any critics; It would be nice if our Politicians could learn how to Read English
#Name and tax and ID number.


>>> #Their NJ Tax ID #:223-408-857/000 <<<

New Jersey Treasury of 2007th. Yes,
you are Logistical Crooks that is your “LEGACY”!
Mr. Bradley E. Abelow ("A" New Jersey State Treasurer)
Ms. Cheryl Fulmer ("An” Assistant Compliance Director)
Mr. Lawrence F. Gauges ("An" Chief Field Audit Branch)
Ms. Carol O'Cleireacain (A" Special Procedures Branch)
Mr. Mark Hartmann ("An" Acting Chief Investigator)
Ms. Christine Stupak ("A" Garnishment Processing)
Ms. Cheryl Flumer ("An" Acting Assistant Director)
Ms. Wilma Shackin ("A" Judgments Section-B)
Ms. Jenny Portero ("An" The Audit)
Ms. Carol O’Cleireacain (“A” Judge Division of Taxation)
Ms. Nokeima Holloway (“A” Division of Taxation Audit)
New Jersey; Please change Abraham Lincoln Slogan;
Of the people by the people for the people: To?
Of the Crooks’ by the Crooks’ for the Crooks’!!!
This will suit your Leadership more accurately.
NJ Treasury Department you definitely can be proud of your Success in advance of your Agendas by screwing individuals Steal, Rob, Rape out of their hard work money. Illegally penalized and collecting absurd user Taxes. Have New-Jersey State Treasury Dept. in over 35 years send leaflet or Inform Contractor on procedures if His/hers customer refuses to pay the user tax. The answer to that is “NO”. In addition in 2006  I have Contacted the #Congressman; Steve #Rothman and the #Senators Loretta #Weinberg & Bob #Menendez. In the year 2006. Was notified of NJ-Treasury screwing up, but neither did anything; so?  
For that, I am compelled to let the public know of theirs? *Grandeur Ethical services*
Ladies and Gents: I like to pose the question with Statements to all Citizens of our Country? When I register my Company in Jan. 1977. The Register form clearly stated that tax will be collected on a Volunteer basis; it did not say if people refuse to pay for it, you will penalize and pay it for them, I guess NJ Treasury Can not read their own laws it is damn Sad!

Thank you New Jersey and especially DOJ. Which should be punished severely for not doing their jobs that are paid to do and being under the Oath to do so? Well, the question is? What kind of Department of Justice is this? In my opinion, it is one simple word the “TERRORIST” Yes homegrown terrorists useless
Ante K. Seput: RA-18-629-179
4060 Eveningside Ln. Tracy, CA. 95377


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